The world of learning is so vast these days. No longer do we just go through juior then senior school and if we’re very bright, get a place at University. Everyone has the opportunity to study at university and get that batchelors or masters degree in almost any subject we care to study. However it is not always necessary, in fact, rarely absolutely necessary, for the student to up sticks to move right away to study. There are so many absolutely fantastic onlune learinng resources. Almost every university of note will have a massive online presence these days. They offer everything that lecture room based learning offers but with no need to travel and a chance to learn in your own time, at your own pace. The online learning tools are vast now. They have been developed to enhance the learning experience and to ensure you benefit from the craft of the course designers. Video conference gives distance learning students equal high quality tutoring, connecting staff and students at any and all of their campuses or elsewhere – worldwide.